Mon 15 Jan 2018 - A report on Australian birds intentionally spread fires in order to flush out their food.

Sun 3 Sep 2017. An article on the apparent delight of horses who are able to communicate their needs to humans (whether or not to wear a horse blanket to keep warm.)

Wed 3 May 2017 - The story of a man who spent 36 years of his life to carve a waterway into a mountain to bring water to his drought stricken village. Here.




    23 Dec 2015 - Using tiny video cameras attached to wild New Caledonian crows, scientists have been observing the crows making tiny hooked tools to hunt for their insect prey.

    2-Jan-2016 - A video showing an orangutan putting together a hammock in her cell.

    23 Oct 2015 - Further evidence of the intelligence of whales. The article also points out that  free killer whales live four times longer than those that are kept captive. (Links provided for  how scientists estimate the age of these whales. )

    5 Oct 2015 - Humans are more deadly to wildlife than a nuclear disaster,according to new research which has found animal populations in the Chernobyl exclusion zone have unexpectedly soared 30 years after the world's worst nuclear accident.

    8 July 2009 - Watching Whales Watching Us by Charles Siebert. 

    ... "The baby grey glided up to the boat's edge and then the whole of his long, hornbill-shaped head was rising up out of the water directly beside me; a huge ovoid eye opening to take me in. I'd never felt so beheld in all my life. " ...